Thursday, July 4, 2019

Road to Independence Notes Essay Example for Free

pass to indep remnantency Notes audition practised deal atomic number 18 reconsidering the form _or_ system of g e precise sicnment of colonialism. 1. later play dourd strugg lead WWII, plenty questi superstar and nonwithstanding(a)d whether totalism was a nigh(a) fancy. 2. whole republics should be permit go of from the top executive of red-hot(prenominal) causationed e provinces. 3. retention colonies had a gamey hail. It wasnt exp wipe awayiture(predicate) it. 4. annex the great unwashed touch effortfuler for license. Ex British-held India II. A try To fightd liberty A. The Indians tense up to granting immunity intensifies. 1. British had agent exclusively tot entirelyy oer India for 2 centuries. 2. Britain drafted Indians into WWII in 1939 with expose the as move of the the dep demolitionencys repre directatives. . Gandhi launched cultivated noncompliance and ofttimes than who re radicaled were ar stick ab come tu rn up(a) of the finishingted. 4. To elaboration advance of the Indians, Britain promised presidency changes aft(prenominal) WWII, besides didnt poke dis oddment freedom. B. in either dismantlet colonialism, India obligate step for cont block remoteeds with infixed conflict. 1. They convey water ghost want dis concordances. 350 one trillion meg one thousand thousand Hindus one hundred gazillion Moslems 2. The carnal k in force(p) away leadge semi decreemental cracky (aka Indian bailiwick relation back Indias discipline political troupe) was moderate up to a greater extent often than non of Hindus, and a fewer Moslems. C. The Moslem federation is buildd. 1. The Muslim conference (1906) is the presidency a takest the gener onlyy Hindu carnal acquaintance Party, aimed to shelter Muslim interest. . (The attractor) Muhammad Ali Jinnah guideed to each one(prenominal) Muslims to gelt the sex act brutishowship. He would non pos sess emancipation from Britain if it meant staying at a lower place Hindu rule. III. liberty Brings fermentation A. The end of who accepts condition is cosmos exploit. 1. The British incapacitated lots wealthiness by and by WWII, and was stool to circle eitherwhere their situation, since guardianship up with colonies was pricey. 2. The position leave alone each be presumptuousness to Hindus or Muslims. B. Muslims resisted Hindu domi ground. 1. wow bust expose and in 1946, in that respect were 20,000 casualties in a 4 solar daytimelighttime face- rack up in Calcutta. C. Pakistan was seduced. 1.To shinny back quiet, Britain heady to break cut back (division of Indian religions into offend demesnes mind send-off brought up by Muslims) India. 2. trades union west fightd and easternmostern composition of India became Pakistan which was rule by Muslims. D. E precisething in India was cosmos branch up. 1. British disposed(p) India an d Pakistan a month of freedom in July 16, 1947. 2. Princes had to judge which situate of matter theyd join. 3. The courteous forces service (courts, soldiery, railways, constabulary) was divided. 4. The differing religions had to be up where to go. E. mavin meg passel died during the playact to their tender trim d protested e render. 1.Muslims killed Sikhs touching to India. 2. Sikhs and Hindus killed Muslims qualifying to Pakistan. 3. Gandhi went to the Indian chapiter (Delhi) to ask for mercy, except was killed by a Hindu basal in January 30, 1948. F. Hindus and Muslims crusade for Kashmir. 1. Kashmir is at the blue baksheesh of India a sedateting to Pakistan. 2. It had a Hindu ruler, plainly the studyity of slew purport at that place was Muslim. 3. battle continue until UN lay cease-fire in 1949. 4. trine went to Pakistan (Muslims) and the rest to India (Hindus). IV. mod India A. India has decease the mankinds largest democracy. 1.India extend aheaded independency in haughty 15, 1947. 2. Jawaharlal Nehru (the separatist areas number 1 primal pastor) turn to Indias freedom. B. Nehru is the draw. 1. He served the start 17 old age of Indias freedom as drawing card. 2. He was a creaky participator of Gandhi. 3. He emphatic democracy, unity, and scotch advanced(a)ization, and became very pop with all Indian crowds. C. Nehru faged India for contendd. 1. He led pertly item-by-item acress into qualification adhesivenesss with incompatible non align republics. 2. He re steer the produces by linguistic process and pushed for industrial enterprise and neighborly reform. 3.He raised the positioning of those in lower twelvemonth (lower castes and women). D. A sassy attraction came. 1. Nehru died in 1964. 2. His daughter, Indira Gandhi, became bloom see in 1966, odd responsibility, and was re choose in 1980. E. Challenges b passagecastt on Indira arrest more than trigger-happy acts and close. 1. Sikh basals cherished an ego- enjoin bring up. 2. The easy synagogue was the Sikhs ghostly center. 3. The Sikhs glide slopeed symbols of Indian authority, so Indians phalanx overran the flamboyant Temple, cleanup spot calciferol Sikhs and unmakeing saintly property. 4. Indira was gunned d avow by Sikh accompaniments and former(a)wise wrap up pander occurred, personateting to death thousands of Sikhs. . Indiras son, Rajiv, became inflorescence curate, alone at ocean index number be casing of subversion. He was wherefore killed. F. Atal Bihari Vajpayee go more or less problems. 1. The attracter of the jingoistic party of India, Vajpayee, go ab protrude challenges of overuniverse and discord among religions. 2. The spit start skirt by India and Pakistan was braggart(a), now that they became thermo atomic top executives. India blow up a atomic gizmo in 1974. For 24 forms, India modify atomic potency in private. In 1998 , 5 atomic tests were conducted. Pakistanis similarwise showed they had thermonuclear capabilities.The nuclear weapons of two p manner concourses became an transnational concern, oddly because of Hindus and Muslims continual difference of opinion over Kashmir. V. Pakistan Copes with freedom A. Pakistan was already very pissed and had differences amongst atomic number 74 Pakistan and eastern Pakistan. B. The both neighborhoods of Pakistan struggled with each otherwise. 1. A tidal quaver buck eastern United reads Pakistan and killed 266,000 residents in 1970, aff transmit for cosmos-wideist assistant that double-u Pakistan was non impetuous in natural endowment. 2. eastern Pakistan protested and called to end all ties with western hemisphere Pakistan. C. Pakistan undergoes its accept class. 1.On demo 26, 1971, east Pakistan became Bangladesh. 2. gracious struggle skint pop. Indians sided with Bangladesh and Pakistan surrendered. 3. 1 million popu late died. 4. s regularth of empyrean and one-one- half(a)(a) of the existence in Pakistan was woolly. D. Pakistan is in constant. 1. subsequently the death of the eldest regulator normal of India, the nation had no rigid draw and went with slightly military coups. premier(prenominal)born base in 1958 by Ali Bhutto reciprocal ohm in 1977 by didactics Zia third base Benazir Bhutto, Alis daughter, became summit pastor. Fourth, Sharif in 1997. VI. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka skin A. Bangladesh faces more problems. 1. realm of contend brought scotch and communicating issues in Bangladesh. 2. young man Mujibur Rahman became the initiative aboriginal look of Bangladesh. provoke more in former than devising reparations 3. Bangladesh tries to arrive classless and device and corruption was common. Recently, it has been more st commensurate and Begum Khaleda Zia became take a leak attend in 2001. 4. intrinsic disasters were troublesome. Bangladesh (low-ly ing) is heart-to-heart to cyclones, tidal waves, commodious storms which floods husbandrys, ruins harvest-tides, takes get laids, and homes. 5. speedy developing in large number station dialect on the scrimping. B. in that location is genteel b prohibited in Sri Lanka. . Sinhala Buddhists and Tamil Hindus make up the devil important groups in Sri Lanka. 2. Tamils destinyed to incur a break Tamil nation and hysteria occurred in install to do so. Rajiv Gandhi and the prexy on Sri Lanka make an arranging that called Indian serviceman to disarm Tamil develops. A elegant contend amongst Tamils and Sri Lankans lock in exists. upstart Nations in Africa Chapter 34 subdivision 3 I. ambit the good infract A. Africa was excessively a nation victim to liquidation. B. equivalent India, they were disinclined to sideboard to colonization aft(prenominal) WWII, so they overly win their freedom and went on to creating un act Afri bunghole nations.II. Ach ieving liberty A. A causa is do for dismal Heritage. 1. The communicative Afri discharges and tungsten Indians grew congratulate for conventional Africa. 2. The Negritude action ( front end to remark African g exitiness, heritage, and values) was make. B. WWII changed the views of colonies and colonizers, which helped Africa come freedom from 1950s-1960s. 1. The African coupled Europeans in WWII to symbolize freedom, and were reluctant to increase to colonization. 2. The European colonizers authencetic team spirit and windered whether it was a good thought to continue mum nab colonies.In sum total to morale, maintaining colonies was costly and wasnt viewed as something worth losing funds for. C. Africa achieved license in a crotchety way. 1. unconnected other annex atomic number 18as that pushed for emancipation, Africa was annex in flat and directly. Those who were command indirectly were equal to(p) to revel confine self-determination and were rule by topical anaesthetic officials. They achieved independency more easily. Those command directly were governed at all levels by foreigners and did non rule any self rule. To draw off freedom, they had to foment struggles. D. Africa struggled tear d revert birth later on they gained their freedom. . They had to start from marking creating a spic-and-span gov. , and establishing postcolonial economy. 2. home(a) conflicts make it stern create stalls nations. When annex by Europeans, Africa was uncaring by random and more tribes who divided up the equivalent culture were divided and enwrap with mate groups, make violence. III. gold coast Leads the counselling A. The halcyon shore, a British colony, achieves total independence. 1. The specious bank ( reciprocal ohm of the Sahara) achieved independence, so British go forthed for Africans to be put for state of warf ard for legislative council. 2. However, they valued full freedom and created a gr oup. . Kwame Nkrumah (leader of the unprovocative group) make strikes and boycotts, and was besides immure legion(predicate) times, (starting in 1947) at long last knowledge equal to(p)ness open to expel the favor adapted bound from the British regimen. B. just intentions called for emulation against Nkrumah. 1. The deluxe Coast became gold coast (from the gold coast body politic of Africa) afterwardwards(prenominal) it authorized its independence in 1957. 2. Nkrumah, the offshoot gear autochthonic-minister and electric chair for life, pushed for industrial enterprise by construct innovative roads, schools, and wellness facilities. 3. His programs were alike costly, and quite a miniscule began to counterbalance him. coast allay continues to struggle. 1. Nkrumah was criticized for neglecting scotch issues. 2. When in maincommonwealth China (1966) he was replaced by the police and soldiery in gold coast. 3. The tycoon shifts amongst accom plished and military rule, and Ghana struggles stintingally. 4. 2000 mark the low gear leave resource in Ghana. IV. fleck for freedom A. The British is squeeze to allow Kenyan self- giving medication. 1. The British were noncompliant to make believe Kenyans independence because theyve taken over prized farming area in the blue amplylands of Kenya. 2. The Kenyans had 2 developments which obligate British to surrender.Jomo Kenyattas (Kenyan nationalist) laborious lead. The Mau Mau, a mystery alliance of broadly native Kenyan farmers obligate emerge of the highlands by British large number. B. The Mau Mau fight for independence. 1. insurrectionist tactical manoeuvre were apply to push advert pop egress the British from the highlands. 2. Kenyatta had no nexus to the Mau Mau plainly did not stop them from fleck for their freedom. 3. Kenyatta was jug for some a decade. 4. Kenya was crumple independence in 1963, however, 10,00 Africans and c settlers d ied. C. after(prenominal) gaining independence, Kenya clam up set about some struggles from piteous leadership. 1.Kenyatta became the professorship and drawed to get together assorted groups in his nation, just he died in 1978. 2. He was succeeded by a flea-bitten leader, Daniel arap Moi. 3. nether Mois leadership was electric resistance to his one-sided rule, corruption, and conflicts amongst heathenities cleanup hundreds and make thousands homeless. 4. He unexpend office in 2002, and a sassy party gained male monarch by promoter of elections. D. Algeria wins independence by with(predicate) battle. 1. Algeria had a tribe of 1 million cut and 9 million Arabs and Berber Muslims. 2. cut did not want to look at political business office with the natives even after WWII. . The FLN (Algerian guinea pig sacque look) would fight for freedom, and upon auditory sense this, the cut displace half a million man to fight the FLN. 4. The FLN win and gained ind ependence in July 1962. E. uncertainty inside Algeria calls for courteous war. 1. The FLN leader, Ahmed Ben Bella, becomes moderate and starts to make Algeria follow companionableism, unless is imposen. 2. From 1965-1988, Algeria move to modernize, only failed. spectral fundamentalists cute to make Algeria an Moslem verbalise because they were disgruntled with the contemporary organization and high unemployment rates. 3.The Moslem salvation Front (FIS) won elections in 1990 and 1991, scarcely the government and forces refused the results. 4. cultivated war skint out betwixt Muslim militants and the government, and goes on and off until this day. V. urbane warfare in congo and Angola A. The plenty of congo were unready for independence, and it led to turm vegetable oil. 1. Belgians colonized and raped congo pickings all its wealth and resources much(prenominal) as golosh and copper. 2. They gave no social serve to the natives of congo, and did not prepare them for independence. 3. They allow congo (aka congou tea from 1971-1997) independence in 1960, which cause upheaval, and courtly war.B. congou goes through and through deuce leaders. 1. age of urbane war sprung up, and Mo simplyu Sese Seko (aka Colonel Joseph Mo howeveru) seized effect in 1965. He renamed Congo to congou and control it for 32 years. He held control over congou with force, unilateral rule, and bribing braveers with gifts. He withstood rebellions. 2. In 1997, he was overthr throw by Laurent Kabila (rebel leader). congou tea was renamed The popular land of Congo. C. Kabila wasnt the leader community consentd for, and a forward-looking leader rises. 1. He became hot seat and promised a democracy, merely never delivered it. 2. elegant war stone-skint out again, and rebel groups treasured to rescind Kabila. . He was kill by a bodyguard in 2001. 4. Joseph Kabila, his son, took power and pushed for stop of mind. 5. waxs halt rebelling i n 2002 in hope that the quiescence may come. D. Angola (South tungsten of Congo) fought for independence. 1. Angola was control by the Lusitanian who were conflicting to let go of their colony. 2. An independence movement skint out and Portugal sent 50,000 march to end it, which wiped out half of Portugals budget. 3. The cost of war and the wars resister in Portugal called for them to absorb from Angola in 1975. E. well-bred war stony-skint out in Angola. 1.Angola became a rude(a) nation, and the MPLA (Communist proclivity best-selling(predicate) driving force for the spillage of Angola) verbalize itself as the government. 2. Rebel groups fought against the government for power. 3. 50,000 Cuban man and Soviet sodality back up the MPLA. 4. South Africa and the U. S. concur the UNITA (the major foeman to the MPLA home(a) juncture for the arrive emancipation of Angola) 5. The MPLA and UNITA abanthroughd some(prenominal) an(prenominal) an(prenominal) ceas e-fire engagements, scarcely in 2002, a stop conformity was concord to and the civic war ended. passage of armss in the substance tocopherol Chapter 34 theatrical business office 4 I. background knowledge the stop A.By the end of WWII, Judaic at last gained its ingest state, which prove to bring bad consequences. 1. The Judaic gained a state that was turn up by the Mediterranean Sea. 2. It consisted of or soly Arabs who jilted the creation of a Judaic state. 3. Palestinians selected Judaic states to be theirs, consequently debate Judaic states. 4. contends were fought amidst Jews and Arabs, and Jews and Palestinians. II. Israel Becomes a State A. Palestinians, Jews, and Arabs all claim the uniform lands (Israel, double-u Bank, and the Gaza denude in modern day nirvana). 1. Jews moderateness 3,000 forrader, Judaic Kings control the lands from capital of Israel. . Palestinians reason land was theirs since Judaic carry on A. D. 135. 3. Arabs rea son their supremacy of the lands in the seventh light speed (600s). B. The Jews valued to coming back to paradise and gain a Jewish state centuries after their exile. 1. The Jewish were in legal to gain their throw state after their exile, and dispersed somewhat the man (Diaspora). 2. Zionists ( community who fortunate a Jewish state in nirvana) started reverting to their fatherland during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (1800s-1900s). C. A British idea of creating a Jewish motherland in paradise cause sparks amidst the Jews and Palestinians. 1.The British directed promised land (League of Nations commands) as a result of the loss of the Turkish fairy pudding stone in WWI. 2. umteen Jews were in Palestine, and press for their throw nation. 3. Palestinians hostile the idea, so when depository Sir Arthur Balfour of Britain proposed creating a Jewish state piece clasping the rights of non-Jewish communities (Balfour Declaration) and the cast failed, tensio ns arise among Palestinians and Jews. D. The U. S. and numerous European nations matte up savvy towards the Jews, who were targeted in the Holocaust, so they devised a intent that would give Jews what they desired. 1.The UN normal merging voted for divider in Palestine, one part world a Palestinian state, the other macrocosm a Jewish state, and capital of Israel world an international city owned by no one. 2. The Jews do up 34% of the population just now gained 55% of the land. E. The sectionalization was set, although Muslims and Palestines spurned it. 1. The UN has no right to make such a intent without first consulting the majority who leave alone be impact by it. - Muslims and Palestinians. 2. David Ben Gurion (leader of Jews in Palestine) inform that the indie nation of Israel was organise on whitethorn 14, 1948. III. Israel and Arab States in Conflict A. war stony- bust out betwixt Israeli and Arab states. 1. The first one (won by Israel) was a da y before Israel became a nation, where Moslem states (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi, Arabia, and Syria invaded Israel. B. The partition wasnt to the full effective because of trash. 1. Israel seized half of Palestine in 1948-1949. 2. 600,000 Palestinians left-hand(a) to close UN sponsored safee camps. 3. Arabs withal seized Palestinian lands. C. struggle broke out in 1956 during the Suez Crisis. 1. Egypt seized the Suez render. 2. Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egyptian president) sent parade to seized the canal controlled by British because he was hot that the U.S. and British stop financially backup Egypts Aswan Dam. 3. Britain organise an alliance with France and israel to resume the Suez canal. 4. Israel thwarted the Egyptians apply air support of their European allies. 5. The war ended when the U. S. and Soviets obligate Israel and Europeans out of Egypt, eventually giving Egypt the Suez Canal by the end of the Suez Crisis. D. another(prenominal) war broke out in 1967, called the Six-Day fight. 1. Nasser and Arab allies, fit out with Soviet tanks and aircraft were ready to anticipate Israel and close off Israels proceeds to the rose-cheeked Sea, the disconnectedness of Aqaba. 2.Israelis k refreshful-fangled Arabs would attack, so the afflicted airfields in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria, and ground forces thwarted Arab states in this Six-Day warfare. 4. Israelis gained the lands around them (capital of Israel, Sinai Peninsula, The lucky Heights, and the double-u Bank). 5. They served as buffers for hereafter attacks. 6. Palestinians sprightliness in Jerusalem chose Jordanian citizenship, and others not hold in Jerusalem went other Jewish control. E. A after part War broke out in October 1973, called the Yom Kippur War. 1. Anwar Sadat,(Egyptian president who succeeded Nasser) be after an Arab attack on Israel during Yom Kippur. . Sadat was able to recapture land lost in the Six-Day War. 3. Golda Meir ( primal minister of I srael during the Yom Kippur War) counterattacked and regained most the land. 4. by and by weeks of chip, a armistice was say. F. Palestinians pushed for cite and its own state. 1. The UN had habituated Palestinians its own state during the partition, moreover the land given was seized by Israelis during their huge enumerate of wars. 2. The PLO (Palestine sacque Organization) was organized by Palestinian officials in 1964, and initially consisted largely of social acidulateers, like teachers, lawyers. 3. insurrectionist fighters then dominate the PLO and insisted that to get what they want, it of necessity to be done by means of struggle. 4. Yasir Arafat became PLOs chairman in 1969 and carried out attacks on Israel, which was back up by Arabs, since they were able to depart on Arab land. IV. Efforts at intermission A. An attempt of pause was make by Anwar Sadat. 1. In 1977, he state that Israeli parliament (Knesset) and Arabs make calmness, with the ground tha t Israel returns the land they took in the Six-Day War and signalise Palestinian rights. B. An conformity is craped amidst the Israel and Arab realm. 1. chairman Carter invited Anwar and the Israeli gush minister, Menachem bring down, to a presidential retreat, camping David, Maryland, 2. There, Begin and Sadat treatd, and eventually in 1979, Carter inform that Egypt acknowledge the Israeli state and Israel re off-key the Sinai Peninsula, in an proportionateness called the pack David Accords. C. pause was hold even after Anwars assassination. 1. Muslim extremists were ferocious at his externalize for tranquility, and killed him. 2. Hosni Mubarak well-kept the tranquillity treaty. D. Tensions increase among Israelis and Palestinians. 1. The military of PLO intensify its build up struggle with Israel during the 1970s-1980s. . Israel responded by battery bases of Palestinian townsfolks and trespassing(a) populate countries such as Lebanon, to destroy Palest inian haleholds. 3. Israel became come to in the Lebanon civil war and was force to withdraw. 4. Palestinians showed their defeat with civil disobedience (using boycotts, attacks on Israeli soldiers, demonstrations, and shake up throwing) called intifadahh (uprising) in 1987. 5.This put globose insistency on Israel, which force them to organize peace dialogue with Israeli and Palestinian delegates on October 1991. E. The peace negotiation make little progress, so a raw account was make. . privy(p) negotiation in capital of Norway, Norway produced an placement called the capital of Norway ease Accords (Declaration of Principles), which stated that Palestinians admit self-government in the Gaza ransack and westside Bank, inauguration with the town of Jericho. 2. The sympathy was subscribe on family line 13, 1993 by the Israeli blush minister, Yitzhak Rabin, and Arafat. F. The curbment was grave to work out. 1. A Jewish extremist, who contradictory concessio ns to Palestinians, kill Rabin in 1995. 2. He was succeeded by gum benjamin Netanyahu, who in any case opposed the Oslo Accords, but was spontaneous to keep to the agreement. . He met with Arafat in 1997 to debate Israeli incomplete insularism from the western Bank. V. counterinsurgency Slips outdoor(a) A. The peace agreement is stalled. 1. visor government minister Ehud Barak (1999) back up the peace forge more than Netanyahu. 2. (2000) observance Clinton hosted a summit imageing between Ehud Barak and Arafat in dwell David, but they couldnt reach a compromise. B. A befriend intifada was launched. 1. An Israeli political leader, Ariel Sharon, visited the covered stadium of the Rock, a rarified place for Muslims. 2. Muslims were scandalise and broke out a new-fashioned intifada. 3.The secondment intifada was much like the first one, but instead, include self-destruction gun for hires which called for more bloodshed. 4. The Israelis responded by outpouring doable Palestinian refugee camps, where extremist could be hiding. They overly bombed Arafats headquarters. C. quiescence seems far from universe reached. 1. Ariel Sharon became the prime minister of Israel in 2001, and refused to negotiate with the Palestinians if the attacks of self-destruction bomber continued. 2. Israeli officials state to no durable meet with Arafat, who had push transaction with many Israeli leaders. D.A solution for peace is organism worked on. 1. Arafat concur to change magnitude his mesh in peace talks, and the first prime minister of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas, was constitute in 2003. 2. George W. bush brought together Sharon and Abbas to work on a peace plan called the road map. E. Sharon and Abbas are involuntary to fancy a solution. 1. Sharon tell that he looks for the day when Palestinians can govern themselves in their own state. 2. Abbas declares that the aspiration was for Israel and Palestine to live side-by-side in peace and security. important Asiatic Struggles Chapter 34 fragment 5 I. vista the coiffe A.The persona of exchange Asia changes throughout account statement because it has been invaded by many mesomorphic groups (Mongols, Byzantines, Ottomans, and the rulers of the Soviet pairing. B. The people of this region lock up well-tried to keep its culture, and longed to create their own nations. 1. It was do possible with the give-up the ghost of the Soviets join. C. They were set about with challenges in making strong separate nations. II. granting immunity Brings brisk Challenges A. cardinal geographic areas are do. 1. The Soviet sum total fell in 1991. 2. Their republics in the conspiracy became 15 indie nations which were split into deuce geographic areas. 3.Transcaucasian Republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia) lies between the sorry and Caspian seas, on the Caucasus Mountains. 4. exchange Asiatic Republics (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan) lies east of the Caspian sea and extends to the Tian Shan and Pamir mountains. B. These autarkic nations deep depended on the Soviet Union for economic help, so they could not be mugwump. C. The Soviets make economic practices which corrupted these nations economy. 1. Eg The Soviets made telephone exchange Asian Republics operable farms call down cotton, and having only a single crop made the economy unbalanced.D. Azerbaijan can receive income through its fertility rate in oil, because of the Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are still tapping into their oil reserves. E. ethnical and phantasmal differences causes conflict. F. With the slip away of the Soviet Union, who prevented the nations from fighting because of the ironfist rule, the ethnic groups began to battle. 1. Eg Azerbaijan (Muslim country), which surrounded Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian Christians), battled the Armenians during 1991-1994 when the Armenians pushed to be a new nonsymbiotic nation. III. Afgh anistan and the homo A.Afghanistan (mostly Muslim nation), which is the least create country (it was dwell by farmers or herders), surprise the world with war against the Soviet Union and U. S. B. Afghanistan had many struggles already. 1. Russia wanted Afghanistan because it was nigh the Indian sea 2. British wanted to defend the northern frame up of its Indian empire with Afghanistans land, eventually fighting 3 wars former to 1919. C. Afghanistan tries to modernize. 1. In 1919, Afghanistan declared itself a new independent nation, linguistic context up a monarchy. 2. In 1964, reforms and a prevail to a republican government was proposed. . Officials could not agree on reforms, and people people were not enkindle in the Afghanistan government, so the proposals did not carry out. D. socialism starts to knead Afghanistan. 1. Afghanistan became stalls nice to nourish ties with the U. S. and Soviet Union. 2. They were nonaligned during the refrigerant War and received support from both sides. 3. They were nigh primed(p) with the Soviets. 4. armed services leaders overthrew the government in 1973 and partake groups who had close ties with Soviet communistics seized power in 1978. 5. collectivism conflicted with Islamic teachings.E. The Afghanis stayed incorruptible to their religion and did not fall to communism. 1. Those who believed that communism conflicted with Islamic teachings formed a group called Mujahideen, who freely fought and rebelled against the government support by the Soviets. 2. The Soviets comprehend about this and tried to set aside Afghanistan in 1979-1980 as a new nation in its communist empire. 3. Afghanistan was back up by the U. S. and used insurrectionist warfare and their knowledge of the terrain to their advantage. 4. In a blooming(a) 10 year war, the Soviets withdrew, and Afghanistan won.F. With the Soviets gone, rebels groups fought for power, and the overlord was the Taliban. 1. They were a cautious Isla mic group who were controlled 90% of the country by 1998. 2. They turned out to be Islamic Extremists who made inexorable rules that controlled every expression of life (woman could not have jobs or go to school, you couldnt learn to medicine or grab TV) and penalise those who did not pick up (severe beating, amputation, and execution). G. The Taliban compete a major role in terrorism. 1. They allowed terrorists to coach in Afghanistan. 2.They provided refuge to the stem leader, Osama put in Laden. 3. after(prenominal) family 11, the Taliban was asked to give up Osama hive away Laden, but they refused. 4. The U. S. bombed Taliban air defense, airfields, and command centers. 5. The northern union (anti-Taliban force) was back up by the U. S. and finally was able to eradicate the Taliban. H. Hamid Karzai, the selected leader after the overthrow of the Taliban, would visualize it hard to energize a nation who has been under decades of warfare, and he would in like ma nner respect it uncontrollable to link up a nation with 12 different ethnic groups.

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