Monday, May 6, 2019

Hydropower in Portugal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hydropower in Portugal - Assignment suitwhich atomic number 18 running while others are still under construction, are all aimed at modify the nation to meet its objectives of energy sustainability and European Unions goals of renewable energy.Evidently, hydropower has impacted Portugals kindly and economic sectors. Expansion of hydropower capacity is secondarily motivated by the economic and social benefits presented by this renewable energy source. First, hydropower is a cheap source of energy, which is instrumental in improving the business favorability of a nation. In addition, projects related to expansion of hydropower capacity across Portugal presents beneficial effects to the nations social and environmental sectors. Potential benefits of hydropower are responsible for the governments active role in expanding the nations hydropower capacity. In addition, the potential benefits trigger interest from among communities in Portugal. Technically, development and expansion of hy dropower is beneficial to any nation.In 2013, Portugal a nation with approximately 10.2 million people, relies on electricity as the main source of power. opposite methods are used in generating the needed electricity demands within the European nation. Theoretically, all methods of generating electricity are categorized as either renewable or non-renewable methods. Renewable sources of electricity include but non limited to, geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy and hydropower (Smith, 2012). Contrarily, examples of non-renewable sources are fossil fuels like oil, coal and innate gas, and nuclear energy. Currently, 58.3% of electricity power in Portugal comes from renewable sources. The total percentage of all renewable sources in Portugal is derived from multiple sources whereby wind makes up 46.3%, hydropower makes up 41.6% while the rest is evenly distributed among geothermal, solar and biomass energy sources (Renewable Facts, 2011). Technically, Portugal generates 217 56 MW of electricity power. 18.79% of

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